Mimbulus Mimbletonia :: Rock Out ::

My Life, My happenings, throught the lovely stylings of a blog. Yeah, i know, it's kinda sad, but I like having somewhere to go where i can post what i want, where i want, ect. Anywho, come here to learn about me, my life, friends, what i like, dislike, whatever! :)

Friday, March 10, 2006


Is a word my voice lesson teacher uses every time we meet for class. Interesting. So. Update on my life. I haven't blogged in...well...i think since like, december/january? So here's an update. Every single week, i have to be at school at 9, for various different reasons. T/TH, class from 9-noon. MW Yoga at noon. T- meetings from...1-4 pm, depending on the week, to what could be till 9-10ish at night. Committee meetings. Board meetings. Ad-Hoc committee meetings. Eboard meetings. Classes. Online class i'm taking. Voice lessons from 1.55(randomness) to 2:25. WEIRD. Then I come home, sleep, and do it all over again. Except on thursdays, where I go work the door at WT and deal with 99% awesome people, then there's the 1% that makes me wanna like, slit my throat and write a poem with the blood. you know? Weekends are filled with sleeping in in the mornings (except for tomorrow, damn children's series events) and staying in doing nothing. I have not seen any of my friends outside of triton (even my inside triton friends) for over 3 and a half months. And it sucks. It's not because I don't want to, it's because time physically does not allow me to. regarding a sweet email i got the other day from steph, yes I know, we'll always be friends no matter what. through thick or thin. we all do fucked up things to each other all the time, because we're human beings, and weirdly enough, it's what we do, you know? And I do feel like a douche bag, but one thing that I want you to understand is that i'm not ditching you for any other friends or anything, I swear. If i'm gonna use that term, then i'm ditching all my friends, including the Triton ones, because I never see them either.* (this statement brought to you by the Equal opportunity ditching coalition. We don't discriminate.) <--lol, had to add that. popped into my head. Anyways. i know that we won't change our friendship. I miss seeing you every day. I miss seeing rachel every day. (p.s. rachel, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU! :D I DO I DO I DOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I thought of you the other day, U2 was on the news and i started doing our lil' beautiful day dance thing. It rocked.) So, spring break is next week. Let's do something. In theory, I should have money, since I got paid last week. Yeah i did! I rocked my world. Although it might not work as well as I want it to. But you know. :D So, to end. My phone was fucked for 4 days straight, missed all kinds of phonecalls *more than likely) but it's fixed now, so feel free to call me people!


At 3:40 PM, Blogger St. Ephanie! said...

what the hell did your comment mean? I don't understand...

At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coraaaaaaal! (It's Caraleigh!)

Yay for updates on your life! You should post more often. :) Moi, I just got back to DC tonight... I had my spring break last week and was in town, but only made it over to Triton on Friday and got pulled off campus before poking my head in the C building. :(

Sorry you feel like you don't get to see your friends with all the madness right now, but I hope all that you're doing will pay off down the road! What is Triton gonna do when you're not there anymore!?! I can't conceive of it.

I hope you're loving yoga! That was the one thing that kept me sane last year and I still miss that class so much. Must be working wonders for you too, if you're running around all superwoman-like. :)

Okay, this has gone on forever... but hello from Gtown, hang in there, and maybe I'll actually run into you next time I'm home and get to say hi in person! Keep on kicking ass!


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