Mimbulus Mimbletonia :: Rock Out ::

My Life, My happenings, throught the lovely stylings of a blog. Yeah, i know, it's kinda sad, but I like having somewhere to go where i can post what i want, where i want, ect. Anywho, come here to learn about me, my life, friends, what i like, dislike, whatever! :)

Friday, August 26, 2005


The next post is going to be in the more of depressing status, so if you REALLY don't wanna read it, you don't have to. it's more of just for my own shits and giggles. I changed my mind. instead of it being a huuuge post of depressing nature, i'll cut it down to highlights of stupid shit that is pissing me off. - For some reason, a comment that someone who shouldn't matter at all to me is driving me crazy. I BARELY know this person, and yet the person seems to psychoanalize me after like, what 5 visits of about 3 minutes each? Whatafuck? - Imma have to start changing meself and stuff. Must watch the language, apparently explatives are not appreciated in everyday vocabulary. Whatever. - Career search continues. What is it that I want to do? What is it that i'm good at? "you excell at many things, and you're good at some things, but you're not bad at anything". Care to point out what those specifics are? Cuz, like, yea, i'm not seeing anything. - Positive things are like, nonexistent. And sadly, it all started with a paint color I bought, which turns out to be someone else's paint color already, so so much for individuality. I've decided to add other colors to the pallete, which isn't a bad thing at all whatsoever, and steph's gonna help me with the designs on the ceilings. Exciting: yes. Original? Not so much. Why? the damn color. i can't wait for the designs on the ceiling, but the fucking color. ARGHGH!!! - Again, Positive things are nonexistent. There are no more friendly hello's in my hood. No "how are you?"'s, etc. It's all "BLABLABLA WHEN ARE YOU GONNA BLABLABLA, eidgioehljh" and stuff. Things that made me happy no longer do. I took down most of the stuff that was on my walls, in preparation of painting. It's made me sad? I'm thinking so. - Do I really wanna do this? Seriously? (and no, don't be confused. I have not stated what THIS is, and I probably shall not. So, you can skip this part whole if you want.) Do I really want to do it? I know what'll happen. Is it good for me? And that's the end of the depressio checklist for today. Care to donate? See previous post.


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