Mimbulus Mimbletonia :: Rock Out ::

My Life, My happenings, throught the lovely stylings of a blog. Yeah, i know, it's kinda sad, but I like having somewhere to go where i can post what i want, where i want, ect. Anywho, come here to learn about me, my life, friends, what i like, dislike, whatever! :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Ok. Seriously.

I HATE when people have like, 80 billion trillion pictures/gifs/movies/music on their websites. It isn't cool, it isn't pretty, and it causes computers to crash. So could you please, for the love of god, just desist? Stop? DON'T!!!!!! Ah...that felt better. So i got my ears pierced, i now have two pretty holes on each ear. With little cubic zirconia earrings on them. I like them. That's all that matters. That's pretty much all that's happened. I'm housesitting in August, pretty excited aboot that! ;) Adios y'all!


At 1:29 PM, Blogger St. Ephanie! said...

*deep breath*
You best not be talking about my xanga, little miss "I change my layout more than I post in it", because, you know, I don't even get to DO that much to it other than play music and occasionally post a picture here and there. And it is pretty. It is very very pretty. Maybe if you used your normal computer to look at it or, if it bothers you, DON'T look at it at all!!!
Ok. End rant.
But if it isn't me and you are refering to some of those other sites where all they post are pictures and entire songs that take too long to upload and little moving animated thingys that only sometimes show up when you go to the site, then yes. Yes I agree with that.
Just seems odd that you say that shortly after telling me my xanga makes your computer crash. hmmm?

At 1:30 PM, Blogger St. Ephanie! said...

HMMMM? o_<



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