Mimbulus Mimbletonia :: Rock Out ::

My Life, My happenings, throught the lovely stylings of a blog. Yeah, i know, it's kinda sad, but I like having somewhere to go where i can post what i want, where i want, ect. Anywho, come here to learn about me, my life, friends, what i like, dislike, whatever! :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Damn, better than a movie...

I had a dream last night that, I swear to god, was more exciting than a movie. I dreamnt that I was back at high school, having troubles with the choir class, standard for those who knew me. So for some reason, my teacher (who those who know, know) decides that we need to have a talk about it, and spend some extra time together to figure out what the problem is, so I end up getting in his car and we're driving to his house to talk. RIIGHT. So, He asks me, well, if you had to make a mix cd, what would be the first song on it? and I say (I think isaid this, but it happened this morning, so i don't really remember all the details of the dream) "Jesus met the woman at the well, I love that song" and I ask him the question, and he says, "well, remember a couple of years ago, Jen sang a song and dedicated it to her father, it was a christmas song. That's the song I would pick". Somehow, I knew who this jen was (Short description, reallly skinny girl, in choir, shoooooort boyish haircut but still girly, brown eyes, about my height (5'4) always had a barrette in her hair. Whether she's real or not, I dunno), and I know what song she was singing, so I say, "oh, That's so cool/sweet/etc", and he says "God, I can't believe I'm telling you this". So we get to his house, and we talk, and I leave. A couple of days later, I go over there in the middle of the night, cuz I wanted to say sorry for somethng, and I park in the driveway. It's one of those houses where the driveway is squshed between 2 houses, it's a 2 floor home, white stucco, with brown wood lining in the front porch. Don't ask why I remember. I just do. SO, there's a bunch of pretty plants and tulips and shit planted, it looks so pretty. So anyways, I park in the driveway and roll down my window. Suddenly, it's like a movie shot, and the shot is of his wife waking up suddenly. She gets up and walks towards the window, looking out at how beautiful the snow is, and she slightly opens the window and starts singing "Follow the drinking gourd". One line at a time. The shot changes to me in the car, and I start singing it too, like her. you see the vapor of my talking float up, since it's so cold. She sees it, looks down and realizes there's someone there. I see that i'm caught and i turn on the car and try to pull out of the driveway, fucking up all the plants there and turning them into mud. I pull out and drive. The whole thing turns into a manic chase scene. She gets on the phone, saying a car is driving out from her driveway, blablabla, and all I know is that there's a car chasing me. His wife changes from being his wife to this famous actress whose name I dunno, but she was in a really famous abc show. Whatever. So she's chasing me, talking to the cops, somehow on my tail, and the cops can't even find me. Then I blink, and i'm in a dark apartment, and there's a matress on the floor and Jake Gyllenhall is sleeping on there with some other girl, who apparently ran away with me. We're all dirty, and i decide to give up. So I go out the door into the hallway, and the guy who plays the BAD papparazzi in the movie paparrazzi is a cop, and runs to arrest me, almost tackling me, when I say "NO, I GIVE UP! I'm not gonna run away, just let me explain myself". So then we both walk to the stairwell and we sit down and i explain the whole situation, something about me apoligoizing and things going wrong and i panicked and drove away even though I didn't do anything. and then I get off scott free. Then I wake up. Confused. Oh, I remember, I was going to apologize about being such a bitch in class, that he's a cool guy, etc.... Yea. That was my weeeeird ass exciting like-a-movie dream. Interpretations are MORE than welcome. And somebody call me. I would call but I dunno who's working at what times, etc. :)


At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, well...dreams like that are fun to have. :-P At least I enjoy them.

Bri ~


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