Mimbulus Mimbletonia :: Rock Out ::

My Life, My happenings, throught the lovely stylings of a blog. Yeah, i know, it's kinda sad, but I like having somewhere to go where i can post what i want, where i want, ect. Anywho, come here to learn about me, my life, friends, what i like, dislike, whatever! :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Oh...i am waiting here for you...I am waiting...

The beginnings of Jen's and i's first lesbic romp! lol...Nah, that's just what happens when we get bored and have a cameraphone with us. It was late. We were tired and full of pizza. Give us a break. lol... If I look like a total dork asshole in this picture, I don't mind, it's completely ok. Let me explain. The lion which I am posing with is named Ano (all you spanish speaking readers should find that entertaining, nontheless...) and is a little stuffed lion which i've been extremely close to and have loved for a long time. He went missing a couple of years ago, (seriously, i turned the house upside down looking for this little fucker) and we all just figured that me mum just threw him away or something. So a couple of weeks ago, i'm cleaning my room and I find this box/bin thing in the bottom of my closet, and I decide that I should go through it and see if i could throw anything out. Low and behold, Ano was at the bottom of the pile. That fucker must have snuck inside when I was cleaning one day, and it never dawned on me to look for him. I've missed him so, but now, my life is complete. And here ends my fotoblog of the day. Comments? Questions? You know how to reply. ;D


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