Mimbulus Mimbletonia :: Rock Out ::

My Life, My happenings, throught the lovely stylings of a blog. Yeah, i know, it's kinda sad, but I like having somewhere to go where i can post what i want, where i want, ect. Anywho, come here to learn about me, my life, friends, what i like, dislike, whatever! :)

Friday, April 01, 2005

Life is precious

"'POPE OPENED EYES EARLIER | 12:23 p.m. ET Among the top church officials gathering at the pope's bedside today is Cardinal Marcio Francesco Pompedda, a high-ranking Vatican administrator, who says the pope opened his eyes and smiled. "I understood he recognized me. It was a wonderful smile -- I'll remember it forever. It was a benevolent smile -- a father-like smile," Pompedda tells RAI television. "I also noticed that he wanted to tell me something but he could not. ... But what impressed me very much was his expression of serenity."'" The pope is, reportedly, on the verge of death. The 84-year-old guide and leader of the catholic church may be leaving us soon. I have not considered myself a practicing catholic for many years, but this brings tears to my eyes. I am very saddened by this. The Pope John Paul II is a great man, and loved by my people and my culture. In my family, we like to say that "The pope may have been born in Poland, but he will forever be Mexican in our hearts, and in his." I didn't think it would feel like this when it happened. I thought i'd be, well...not caring, actually. But I didn't realize how much he has touched my life, as well as many others. Tonight, when I get home, I will pray for the first time in years. Pray that he gets better, that he heals, even if it is for a small amount of time. Not for myself, but for the world. Everyone, regardless of your religion, please pray for him.


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